맥북에어M1 에서 윈도우 실행

조병희 2022. 6. 14. 12:29


1. UTM 다운로드



Securely run operating systems on your Mac

웹에서 받는 건 무료, 스토어는 유료인데 무려 12,000원 다만 웹이랑 다르게 업데이트와 질문답변 지원해 준다.

2. 실행한 윈도우(VHDX파일)


Download Windows Insider Preview ARM64

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3. 추가 기능 설치

윈도우 설치 완료 후 UTM 설정에서 ISO 파일 넣고 윈도우 내에서 설치 



Virtual machines for Mac


다른 건 대충 감으로 하면 되는데 인터넷 설정에서 넘어질 않는다 

1. 해당 화면에서 Shift + F10 클릭

2. cmd 화면에서 oobe\bypassnro 입력 후 실행, 재시작


그 외 자세한 내용은 아래 참조.


  1. Open UTM and click the “+” button to open the VM creation wizard.
  2. Select “Virtualize”.
  3. Select “Windows”.
  4. Click “Browse” and select the Windows VHDX downloaded above. Press “Next” to continue.
  5. Pick the amount of RAM and CPU cores you wish to give access to the VM. Press “Next” to continue.
  6. If you have a directory you want to mount in the VM, you can select it here. Alternatively, you can skip this and select the directory later from the VM window’s toolbar. The shared directory will be available after installing SPICE tools (see below). Press “Next” to continue.
  7. Press “Save” to create the VM and press the Run button to start the VM.
  8. Follow the Windows installer. If you have issues with the mouse, press the mouse capture button in the toolbar to send mouse input directly. Press Control+Option together to exit mouse capture mode. Sometimes, due to driver issues, you can enter and exit capture mode and the mouse cursor works normally again.
  9. Once installation is complete and you’ve logged in, we can proceed to install the guest tools. With the ISO mounted in the D: drive, open Windows Explorer and browse to D:\. Run spice-guest-tools-xxx.exe which should install all drivers along with QEMU agent, SPICE agent (for copy/paste and dynamic resolution), and shared directory.

Installing the Microsoft Store and UWP apps (optional)

At the time of writing, Microsoft does not provide ARM64 builds of its built-in apps so you must install the x86 version of the Store. To do this, use this Parallels Desktop guide (under “Install Microsoft Store manually”) to install the x86 version of the Microsoft Store. Then you can use it to install x86 versions of other built-in apps. You will have to uninstall the ARM32 versions if you installed them through other means.


Ping does not work

Note that due to libslirp limitations, ping will not work and so Windows may think that there is still no internet connection.

Networking does not work

Make sure you installed the SPICE guest tools, which includes the network drivers.

If Windows 11 setup is stuck due to lack of network connection:

  1. Press Shift + F10 to launch Command Prompt.
  2. Type in OOBE\BYPASSNRO and press Enter.
  3. Your VM should reboot and at the setup screen you should see an option for “I don’t have internet.”
  4. Once Windows setup is completed, make sure to install the SPICE guest tools for network drivers.
