
Beginner's Guide to Unturned

조병희 2014. 9. 6. 09:09


This part simple, start game, press tutorial, use tutorial, then we get to the basics.

Part 1 : Starting Your World

You have spawned in the world (somewhere completely random, be it a farm, town, military base or even the airport) everything is peaceful and OH GOD ZOMBI---
Ahem, sorry about that. 
You will first need to find a backpack as you can only have 4 slots without one.
The best ones to get are - 
Animal Pack - Meh, 10 slots but in rows of 5
Schoolbag - Medium, 12 slots
Travelpack - Big, 16 slots
Coyotepack - Large, 20 slots
Alicepack - Large, 20 slots (in rows of 5) but can hold 20kg, more than the rucksack.
Rucksack - Very Large, 25 slots

Then you need clothes. Running around naked with a backpack on is not going to help.
You can find -
Farmer Clothes - Farms
Ghillie Suits - Military Bases
Military Fatigues - Military Bases
Sailor Fatigues - Anywhere
Grocer Clothes - Mostly in shops
Doctor's Clothes - In medical tents or pharmacies.
Casual Clothing - Anywhere, mostly found in launderettes.

By the time you have found these things, you will have probably lost alot ofhealth, so find some medical thingies to heal ya good as new.
You can collect - 
Rags - +5% HP
Bandages - +10% HP
Dressings - +20% HP
Morphine - +15% HP (did I get that right?)
Splints - +10% HP (as well as heal broken bones)
Painkillers - +10% HP
Antibiotics - +10% HP and -15% disease (I'll get to that later)

Also, if you have been slapped silly by those zombies, your disease will progress, when this reaches 100%, yo ded boi.
Good things to reduce disease are -
Antibiotics = -15% disease
Vitamins = -15% disease
Purification Tablets = -15% disease
Vaccines = ALOT (don't know how much :P)

Alright, enough with clothes, health and other stuff. Now for a section that is more crucial. Food and thirst.
Food items can be mostly found in towns and military bases, seeds can be found in farms/botanists.
Raw venison/bacon can be obtained from animals/meat lockers but come with alot of disease if not cooked.
Good food items are -
Canned stuff - Normally 15 - 20% hunger
Chocolate/Candy Bars - Around 10% hunger
Granola Bars - More than Chocolate/Candy Bars
Raw Foods - Around 35-50% but come with disease.
Moldy Foods - Around 10% but comes with disease.
Cooked foods - Around 30% without disease (yay and did I get dat right)
Good drink items are -
Canned Cola - Usually 15% thirst
Bottled Water - Alot
Moldy Drinks - Varies and comes with disease.
Other bottled drinks - Around 40-50% thirst
Energy Drinks - ??? thirst as well as a stamina boost.
Canteens - 25% thirst and refillable (find these things as quickly as poisibru)

Part 1.2 - Food and Drink

Now, if you begin Unturned, you will need to find food and drinks to stay alive.
Here is a list of foodstuffs in Unturned and how common they are.
Canned Items 
Canned Beans - Uncommon, -50% Hunger
Canned Chili - Uncommon, -30% Hunger
Canned Ham - Uncommon, -30% Hunger
Canned Pasta - Uncommon, -30% Hunger
Canned Tuna - Uncommon, -30% Hunger
Canned Vegetables - Uncommon, -30% Hunger

Bran Cereal - Rare, -40% Hunger
Candy Bar - Common, -15% Hunger
Chocolate Bar - Common, -15% Hunger, Players start with this item
Granola Bar - Common, -15% Hunger, +45% Stamina
Potato Chips - Common, -10% Hunger
MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) - Very Rare, -80% Hunger + -80% Thirst

Raw Venison - -10% Hunger, +22% Sickness, Can be obtained by killing deer
Raw Bacon - -8% Hunger, +7% Sickness, Can be obtained by killing pigs
Cooked Venison - -35% Hunger, obtained by using a campfire with Raw Venison
Cooked Bacon - -30% Hunger, obtained by using a campfire with Raw Bacon

Farmed Foods 
Moldy Carrot - -10% Hunger, +20% Sickness
Moldy Cabbage - -10% Hunger, +20% Sickness
Moldy Tomato - -10% Hunger, +5% Sickness
Moldy Corn - -10% Hunger, +15% Sickness
Moldy Potato - -12% Hunger, +13% Sickness
Fresh Carrot - -20% Hunger
Fresh Cabbage - -20% Hunger
Fresh Tomato - -20% Hunger
Fresh Corn - -25% Hunger
Fresh Potato - -30% Hunger

Berries - 
Pink Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst
Green Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst
Pale Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst, Hallucinations Included
Blue Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst, Hallucinations Included
Purple Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst, +20% Sickness, Hallucinations Included
Red Berries - -10% Hunger, -5% Thirst, +30% Sickness
Berries can however be ground into a powder (with help of stone) which can be used to heal ye.

Drinks - 
Apple Juice Box - Common, -10% Thirst, Players start with this item
Canned Cola - Common, -15% Thirst
Canteen - Uncommon/Craftable, -25% Thirst, Refillable
Canned Soup - Uncommon, -30% Hunger, -20% Thirst
Moldy Bottled Water - Common, -35% Thirst, +10% Sickness, Can be Purified
Moldy Milk - Common, -35% Thirst, +15% Sickness, Can be Purified
Moldy Orange Juice - Common, -35% Thirst, +30% Sickness, Can be Purified
Bottled Water - Uncommon, -40% Thirst
Energy Drink - Uncommon, -40% Thirst, +50% Energy
Milk - Uncommon, -50% Thirst
Orange Juice - Rare, -50% Thirst
Large Bottled Water - Rare, -60% Thirst
MRE - Very Rare, -80% Hunger, -80% Thirst

Part 2 : Obtaining Resources

Resources, such as rocks and wood. Need tools to mine and not like Minecraft where you can smack stuff senseless and it pops out.

To cut down trees you will need either -
An Axe - Less damage and possibly less power, found places
A Fireaxe - More damage and possibly more power, found in fire stations

When a tree is cut down it will provide either logs, sticks or branches.

To mine rocks you will need -
A Pickaxe - Found in random places.

When a rock has been mined it will drop rocks and stones.

Part 2.2 : Making Use Of Those Resources

Right now you'll be running around with logs and stones in your inventory with absolutely no use for them other than waste slots.
So here are some crafting recipes which I know.
Wood related items - 
4 Boards - 1 Log
1 Wooden Plate - 2 Boards
1 Wooden Frame - 2 Plates
1 Wooden Support - 2 Sticks
1 Wooden Cross - 2 Supports

Stone related items - 
3 Stones - 1 Rocks
1 Stone Plate - 2 Stones
1 Stone Frame - 2 Stone Plates

Other Items -
Campfire - 4 Sticks and 4 Stones
Rope - 1 Cloth + Handsaw
Scrap Metal - 2 Stones + Campfire
2 Wires - 1 Scrap Metal + Handsaw
1 Barbed Wire - 2 Wires
3 Fertilizers - 1 Rope + 1 Cloth

Clothing - 
1 Animal Shirt - 4 Animal Pelts
1 Animal Pants - 3 Animal Pelts + 1 Rope
1 Animal Pack - 4 Animal Pelts + 1 Duct Tape

Medical Items -
1 Rag - 2 Cloths
1 Bandage - 2 Rags
1 Dressing - 2 Bandages
1 Purification Tablets - 1 Vitamins + 1 Fertilizer

Part 2.3 : Making use of THOSE resources

Okay, now come the best parts, making use of the resources you made from those other resources!
Remember, these are what I know.
Just a note, you will need Crafting Skill 1 or 2 on this. (explained later)
Wooden Items -
1 Wooden Foundation - 3 Frames
1 Wooden Pillar - 2 Supports + 1 Board
1 Wooden Wall - 1 Pillar + 2 Frames
1 Wooden Doorway - 1 Wall + 1 Support
1 Wooden Window - 1 Doorway + 1 Support
1 Wooden Door - 1 Frame + 1 Bolts
1 Wooden Shutter - 1 Door + 1 Bolts
1 Wooden Pillar - 2 Supports + 1 Board
2 Wooden Posts - 1 Pillar
2 Wooden Ramparts - 1 Wall
1 Wooden Platform - 3 or 4 Plates + 1 Cross
1 Wooden Greenhouse Foundation - 1 Foundation + 4 Fertilizers
1 Wooden Greenhouse Platform - 1 Foundation + 4 Fertilizers
1 Storage Crate - 2 Frames + 3 Crosses
1 Wooden Chest - 1 Crate + 3 Crosses
1 Wooden Garage - 1 Wooden Window + 1 Support
1 Wooden Gate - 2 Shutters + 2 Bolts

Stone Items - 
1 Stone Support - 1 Stone + 1 Board
1 Stone Pillar - 2 Stone Supports + 1 Board
1 Stone Wall - 1 Stone Pillar + 2 Stone Frames
1 Stone Doorway - 1 Stone Wall + 1 Stone Support
1 Stone Window - 1 Stone Wall + 1 Stone Support
2 Stone Posts - 1 Stone Pillar
2 Stone Ramparts - 1 Stone Wall
1 Stone Garage - 1 Stone Window + 1 Stone Support

Part 3 : Building Houses

Now of course, those resources made from those resources aren't going to put themselves to use are they? Here is some step by step tips on building a very simple house.
Here's mine.
Step 1. Now of course, you will need to start by making some foundations, as said in Part 2.3, place it on a flat surface and it will appear on the ground.
Step 2. You will then need 4 Pillars to hold up the ceiling and walls. Place them on the corners provided.
Step 3. Build 3 Walls and place them on the sides of the foundation.
Step 4. Build a doorway and a door to fill in that little gap.
Step 5. Build a door to fill in the even smaller gap.
Step 6. Make a Platform and place it down.
Voila, a very small and cramped house.
The one I have made has been made from multiple foundations and walls around the exterior (apart from the bedrooms) That is more complicated.
You can also build houses out of stone. Here are steps for that.

Step 1. Place a foundation (ye can't get stone ones or platforms)
Step 2. Aqcuire Stones and Boards
Step 3. Use the stones and boards to turn them into stone supports.
Step 4. Use the supports and more boards to create pillars.
Step 5. Place the pillars.
Step 6. Make more pillars and acquire stone frames.
Step 7. Use 1 Pillar and 2 Frames to make walls.
Step 8. Place them down.
Step 9. Use 1 Stone Support + 1 Stone Wall to make a stone doorway.
Step 10. Make a platform and a door and place them down.

Part 3.2 : Fortifying Yo House

Now you've built your house. But there is one problem left. Those naughty zombies keep smashing it up. Don't worry. Uncle Slyder has all the problems sorted with help of the barbed wire fence.
To make one you need -
A Campfire (lit)
Some Stones
A Handsaw
Some Supports

Now to begin -
Step 1 - Obtain Stones
Step 2 - Place and Light yo campfire.
Step 3 - Go on the crafting grid.
Step 4 - Click the fire icon.
Step 5 - Place the stones on the grid to turn them into S. Metal.
Step 6 - Press the tool icon and place a handsaw in it, then place the scrap metals in the grids.
This will turn them into wire.
Step 7 - Remove the handsaw to turn the wire into barbed wire.
Step 8 - Aqquire 2 supports and 3 barbed wire.
Step 9 - Place them on the crafting grid and voila, 1 barbed fence.
But 1 won't be enough. YOU NEED MORE!!!!

Part 3.3 : Additional House Requirements

So ya built ya house? Ye clever lad. Now you need some stuff for it! Grandpa (Uncle Slyder stayed in part 3.2) Slyder has the perfect choices for you!

Now, you need a light source.
You can either use campfires, worklights or your torch.
Campfires only provide a small radius but buff yo crafting.
Worklights have a more spotlight-like area of effect but need generators to power.
Torches don't go very far outdoors but seem very effective indoors.

Now of course, you don't want to die and spawn on the other side of PEI do you? So craft a sleeping bag with 7 cloth and 2 duct tapes and place it down. You now have a spawn point.
Cots can also be found and placed and also can be crafted with 5 scrap metal and 8 cloth.

And of course, STORAGE! PEI has many items and unfortunately you cannot carry all of them because either your backpack is to small or you're about to pass out from being overloaded.
So build some storage crates and place em down. Wooden ones only have 4 slots but at least dems somethin'. You do however need Craftsman level 1.
Now if ye want more room, build a chest. Ye need 1 Crate and 3 Crosses. This provides 6 slots of storage and no one can snoop around in them.

Part 4 : Self-Defence

Oh snap, I forgot the most important part about zombie survival games! The SURVIVAL!!!!
So anyway, you need weapons and guns and ammo and attachments and baco---.
Fists aren't the greatest, remember, this ain't Minecraft.
I personally enjoy using the Katana, it's fast and light and is usually a 1 hit kill with max warrior.
There are other weapons such as sledgehammers and axes which are heavier but deadlier.
And of course.
Oh wait, you need ammo for dem guns.
These are the guns I know -
The Colt - These require Swift ammunition
The Berette - These require Lebel ammunition
The Mosen - These require Bonjour clips
The Uzy - These need Yuri Magazines
Lever Actions - These need shell-related ammo.
Double Barrel - These need shell-related ammo.
AK-47 (forgot the specific name) - These need Savage Clips.
Maplestrikes - These require NATO related magazines.
Swissgewehr - These require NATO related magazines.
Proninety - These require pdw magazines.
The Matamorez - These require xtrmin magazines.
The Zubeknakov - These require Savage related magazines.
The Novuh - Chambered in shells.
The Timberwolf - These require lapua magazines. (best sniper ever)
Crossbow, Longbow and Compound Bow - These use arrows.
And of course - ATTACHMENTS!!!
Flash Hiders - Hides the flash making it useful for PvP.
Suppresors - Shuts that gunfire up so ye don't get any zombies after ya.
Muffler - Can be made with 2 cans and 2 cans of cola, is a weaker suppressor.
Red Dot Sights - More Accuracy
Holographic sights - More Accuracy
6x, 7x and 12x and 20x Zoom Scopes - Technically sniper scopes (for some reason they zoom out with pistols)
Bayonets - Stabby dem zambies by pressing dat F button when dey get close or ya lack ammo.
And a decent melee.
Vertical Grips - Reduce vertical recoil.
Horizontal Grips - Reduce horizontal recoil.
Default Rails - These are the normal front and back iron sights of the guns.

Useful resources - 
Civilian + Military Rounds + Tracer Rounds - Used to refill yo mags boi.
Shells + 2 Bolts/Nails = 6x Slugs/Buckshot
1 Stick + 1 Nails = 3 Arrows

Part 5 : Scavanging

Now, you are in an abandoned island where the only company are hordes of zombies, there are no food producers, only undead peeps and animals. So of course. SCAVANGE AWAY!!!!
Canned stuff is the best kind of food (below cooked stuff) which are very common.
BUT! Das a big but. But you need a car and some fuel to go with it or it will be useless!
And you need a backpack as said in a previous part.
Cars allow you to progress through the island alot faster and alot less painstakingly full of effort than walking but burn fuel and can get stuck.
So here's some tips with cars.
Cars go boom if attacked or if you roadkilled to much zombies. Prevent this by bringing a blowtorch and occasionally repairing ye car.
Some cars burn fuel faster. Bring some gas cans.
Cars get stuck on trees and signs and if you're really stupid, like me, you can get it stuck inbetween 2 rocks. So you need to bring a car jack to send it flying and let car physics do its job and magically flip the car the right way round.

Part 6 : Experience

Now of course, if you brutally murder trees, rocks, zombies or animals you gain experience points (XP) these special thingumibobs allow you to upgrade certain skills.
To access this tab press skills, there will be a variety of skills to pick.
Survival - Less dehydration and starvation
Endurance - More stamina and more agility 
Sneakybeaky - Less agro and noise
Warrior - More melee damage dealt and less taken
Outdoors - Stronger mining and chopping
Marksman - Better accuracy and recoil
Craftsman - Increases crafting smarts
Immunity - Less disease and more vitality.

Each skill has multiple levels, each one getting better than the previous. Some may only have 2 or 3 levels while some have 5+ levels!

Part 7 : Farming

Now of course, canned food won't be around for long (unless you disconnect and re-join in which they respawn) but farmed foods do! They can be converted into seeds again or eaten to restore masses of hunger!
Now, if you see moldy foods such as carrots, potatos, tomatos and corn, don't eat it, pick 'em up and turn 'em into seeds. You only get 1 seed from moldy foods but you get 2 from fresh ones.
Botanist's and farms also have seeds on them. You can also obtain fertiliser from botanist's to speed up your farming as well as obtain 3 of them and a wooden foundation/platform for fertilised grounds to permanently speed up farming! (I think that's how you make them)
Farmed Foods -
Fresh Cabbage - -20% Hunger
Fresh Tomato - -20% Hunger
Fresh Carrot - -20% Hunger
Fresh Corn - -25% Hunger
Fresh Potato - -30% Hunger

Part 8 : Hunting

Now of course, zombies aren't the only company in Unturned. The game also features deer and pigs! Shoot 'em up if you can and steal their food! And their pelts (not that I know how to use them)
Hunting Quick Tips -
Deer are 2x faster than players and zombies. Either shoot them or roadkill them.
Pigs are easy to get but are still annoying to shoot up (if you don't kill it on the first shot)
Roadkills do not earn XP and do not count towards the 100 animal kills achievement.
I would personally use a Mosen to hunt animals, it's a good weapon to hunt animals especially when equipped with a scope.
Animals are mostly found in forest/mountain areas.

Deer will drop - 
Raw Venison (can be cooked with the campfire)
Animal Pelts

Pigs will drop - 
Raw Bacon (can be cooked)
Animal Pelts (less likely than Deer)

Part 9 : Meds

Medicine (or Meds as I call them for some reason) help yas alot. Either with disease or health or stamina or other stuff.
Here's a list of Meds I know -
Medkits - +50% Health and Something Disease.
Morphine - +10% Health
Adrenaline - +10% Health and Stamina
Vaccine - +10% Health and -50% Disease
Painkillers - +30% Health
Antibiotics - +50% Health and -25% Disease
Vitamins - -15% Disease
Purification Tablets - -5% Disease but can be used to purify moldy consumables
Rags - +5% Health
Bandage - +10% Health
Dressing - +20% Health and -5% Disease
Blood Bag - Restores all Health
Splint - +10% Health and heals broken bones
Crushed Berries - Ranged from +10% to +20% Health (crushed pink berries also reduce disease by 25%)

Unfortunately, 'tis the end!

Unfortunately, my brain is too damn small to hold any more information (apart from the housing, I always forget that so I wrote it down) and I can't think of anything else.
So anyway, I hope this guide helps you in your magical journey in Unturned and I am very open to feedback.

출처: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=290842569