DBMS Tools

조병희 2020. 9. 28. 20:14

Atlas 관련 유사 툴을 검색하다 우연히 발견한 사이트를 공유한다.

크게 툴 분류와 대상 DB를 선택하면 관련 된 솔루션을 용도와 특성을 적절히 잘 분류하여 준다.


Database Tools Catalog

Data modeling tools

List of data modeling and database design tools.

Data catalogs

List of data catalogs tools

Data dictionary tools

List of tools that enable design and building of data dictionaries.

Business Glossary tools

List of tools that help build, maintain an share business glossaries.

Data compare tools

List of data compare, synchronization and migration tools.

Database design tools

List of tools that allow for the design of a database.

Database diagram / Reverse Engineering tools

List of database ER diagram (ERD) / schema visualization / reverse engineering tools for popular databases.

Database documentation generators

List of tools that automatically generate documentation for your database. For more advanced capabilities see Database Documentation Tools

Database documentation tools

List of tools that allow the documentation (e.g. with descriptions) of schema of your databases.

Extended properties editors

List of tools that allow editing of SQL Server extended properties.
Direct - read and save extended properties from SQL Server database.
Repository - edit metadata in separate repository and enable synchronization.
Custom fields - whether tool enables editing custom extended properties, apart MS_Description.

Metadata Management tools

List of metadata management tools

PL/SQL documentation tools

List of documentation generators for Oracle PL/SQL code.

Schema compare tools

List of database schema compare and synchronization tools.

SSAS documentation tools

List of SQL Server Analysis Services (OLAP server) documentation tools.

SSIS documentation tools

List of SQL Server Integration Services (ETL) documentation tools.

Version control tools

List of source version control tools for databases.
State-based tools - generate the scripts for database upgrade by comparing database structure to the model (etalon).
Migration-based tools - help/assist creation of migration scripts for moving database from one version to next.


