
Fable Anniversary 실버키와 상자

조병희 2014. 9. 14. 09:31


Silver Key #1

Location: Guild Woods
Notes: Once you've obtained a fishing rod, wander out of the Heroes' Guild into the nearby Woods to find a silver key in the pond.

Silver Key #2

Location: Lookout Point
Notes: Slash your way through the highlighted bushes near the center statue to find a silver key.

Silver Key #3

Location: Orchard Farm
Notes: Head down to the pier in the deserted area of Orchard Farm and fish off of it to snag yourself another key.

Silver Key #4

Location: Fisher Creek
Notes: Snag yourself a silver key by fishing on the north side of the old man's house.

Silver Key #5

Location: Bowerstone South
Notes: Head to the second floor of the clothing shop just inside Bowerstone South to find a silver key out on the balcony.

Silver Key #6

Location: Greatwood Lake
Notes: Run up the hill near the silver chest to reveal another silver key.

Silver Key #7

Location: Darkwood Lake
Notes: This one is a little tricky. Find the pillar shown in the screenshot to the left and fire an arrow at its hole to reveal a key inside. (Looking at the mini-map may help to find it's location)

Silver Key #8

Location: Ancient Cullis Gate
Notes: Yet another key can be found simply by fishing off of the bridge on the west side of the map.

Silver Key #9

Location: Oakvale (Memorial Garden)
Notes: You won't know to dig at this spot until you've helped the undead pirate and he's told you where his treasure is buried. Use your spade at the base of the statue in Memorial Garden to reveal both a silver key and an Obsidian Greataxe.

Silver Key #10

Location: Twinblade's Camp
Notes: Use your spade near the chest at the south side of the map to uncover another silver key.

Silver Key #11

Location: Rose Cottage
Notes: Use your spade inside the ring of flowers just outside of Granny's house to find a silver key.

Silver Key #12

Location: Hobbe Cave (Focus Chamber)
Notes: When you reach the large water-filled room at the end of Hobbe Cave, head to the north side to dig up a key in the middle of the mushroom patch.

Silver Key #13

Location: Grey House
Notes: Don't be too hasty when exploring the Demon Door on this map - there's a key hidden in the pond right next to it that a fishing session can uncover.

Silver Key #14

Location: Knothole Glade
Notes: When exploring the south side of this map, head between two of the buildings to reveal a circle of foliage where a quick use of your spade will get you another key.

Silver Key #15

Location: Witchwood Stones
Notes: You can score yourself another silver key by fishing in the pond outside of the Demon Door in Witchwood Stones.

Silver Key #16

Location: Witchwood Lake
Notes: Dig a hole at the base of the statue shown in the screenshot and you'll walk away with another key.

Silver Key #17

Location: Windmill Hill
Notes: Not far up the path in Windmill Hill is a small garden with a ring of flowers. Dig in the center and a silver key is yours.

Silver Key #18

Location: Windmill Hill
Notes: Behind the windmill, you'll find a ring of flowers. Once again, dig in the center of it to find another key.

Silver Key #19

Location: Lychfield Graveyard
Notes: Use your spade when standing on the grave outside of the crypt on the south side of the map and you'll dig up an additional key.

Silver Key #20

Location: Lychfield Graveyard
Notes: Loot the sarcophagus inside the crypt on the south side of this map to earn yourself another key.

Silver Key #21

Location: Lychfield Graveyard
Notes: Yet another key can be turned up in the Lychfield Graveyard by fishing in the small pond west of the gravekeeper's home.

Silver Key #22

Location: Cliffside Path
Notes: Make your way up the small hill on the north side of this map to find a ring of mushrooms where a silver key is buried.

Silver Key #23

Location: Headsman's Hill
Notes: You cannot obtain this key until later in the game when you battle Thunder for Lady Grey's hand in marriage. During the fight, Thunder will knock you off the cliff to a small area with a pond. Do some more fishing and you'll have yourself another key.

Silver Key #24

Location: Bowerstone Manor
Notes: Once you've married Lady Grey and have access to the manor, ransack her bed for a silver key. (You HAVE to marry Lady Grey to obtain this key)

Silver Key #25

Location: Hook Coast
Notes: Loot the cabinet just inside the door of the lighthouse for yet another silver key.

Silver Key #26

Location: Fisher Creek
Notes: Win second prize in the fishing competition to earn the silver key.

Silver Key #27

Location: Oakvale
Notes: Win second prize in the Chicken Kicking competition to earn the silver key.

Silver Key #28

Location: Bowerstone South
Notes: Donate 25 books to the school in Bowerstone South to earn this silver key.(Hope you didn't forget to collect books :3 )

Silver Key #29

Location: The Lost Bay
Notes: You can find this silver key by digging up the grave next to the abandoned building.

Silver Key #30

Location: Necropolis
Notes: Head to the southern side of the river and fish at the ripple there to earn another silver key.






Silver Chest #1

Location: Heroes' Guild
Keys Req'd: 20
Found Inside: The Murren Greathammer

Silver Chest #2

Location: Greatwood Lake
Keys Req'd: 5
Found Inside: Elixir of Life

Silver Chest #3

Location: Hobbe Cave (Cave Larder)
Keys Req'd: 5
Found Inside: Will Master's Elixir

Silver Chest #4

Location: Darkwood Lake
Keys Req'd: 15
Found Inside: Arken's Crossbow

Silver Chest #5

Location: Grey House
Keys Req'd: 10
Found Inside: Sharpening Augmentation

Silver Chest #6

Location: Witchwood Stones
Keys Req'd: 15
Found Inside: Health Augmentation

Silver Chest #7

Location: Headsman's Hill (Cave)
Keys Req'd: 15
Found Inside: Mana Augmentation

Silver Chest #8

Location: Bowerstone Manor
Keys Req'd: 15
Found Inside: Katana Hiryu

Silver Chest #9

Location: Circle of the Dead
Keys Req'd: 10
Found Inside: Piercing Augmentation

Silver Chest #10

Location: Hook Coast
Keys Req'd: 15
Found Inside: The Murren Greataxe

Silver Chest #11

Location: The Lost Bay
Keys Req'd: 30
Found Inside: The Avenger plus a collection of gems

Silver Chest #12

Location: Necropolis
Keys Req'd: 25
Found Inside: Archon's Battle Helmet, Archon's Battle Chest Piece, Archon's Battle Gauntlets, Archon's Battle Leggings, and Archon's Battle Boots




