Learning the Ropes of the Hortonworks Sandbox
This tutorial is aimed for users who do not have much experience in using the Sandbox.
We will install and explore the Sandbox on virtual machine and cloud environments. We will also navigate the Ambari user interface.
Let’s begin our Hadoop journey.
- Downloaded and Installed Hortonworks Sandbox
- What is the Sandbox?
- Step 1: Explore the Sandbox in a VM
– 1.1 Install the Sandbox
– 1.2 Learn Your Sandbox Version
– 1.3 Learn the Host Address of Your Environment
– 1.4 Connect to the Welcome Screen
– 1.5 Multiple Ways to Execute Terminal Commands(SSH, Web Shell, VM Shell) - Step 2: Explore Ambari
– 2.1 Use Terminal to Find the Host IP Sandbox Runs On
– Services Provided By the Sandbox
– 2.2 Setup Ambari admin Password Manually
– 2.3 Explore Ambari Welcome Screen 5 Key Capabilities
– 2.4 Explore Ambari Dashboard Links - Step 3: Troubleshoot Problems
– 3.1 Technique for Finding Answers in HCC - Further Reading
What is the Sandbox?
The Sandbox is a straightforward, pre-configured, learning environment that contains the latest developments from Apache Hadoop Enterprise, specifically Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) Distribution. The Sandbox comes packaged in a virtual environment that can run in the cloud or on your personal machine. The Sandbox allows you to learn and explore HDP on your own.
Step 1: Explore the Sandbox in a VM
1.1 Install the Sandbox
Start the HDP Sandbox following the Installation Steps to start the VM.
Note: The Sandbox system requirements include that you have a 64 bit OS with at least 8 GB of RAM and enabled BIOS for virtualization. Find out about the newest features, known and resolved issues along with other updates on HDP 2.4 from the release notes. The Sandbox on Azure is under construction and will update to HDP2.4 soon.
1.2 Learn Your Sandbox Version
To find information regarding your sandbox version, execute the command:
1.3 Learn the Host Address of Your Environment
Once you have installed the Sandbox VM, it resolves to the host on your environment, the address of which varies depending upon the Virtual Machine you are using(Vmware, VirtualBox etc). As, a general thumb rule, wait for the installation to complete and confirmation screen will tell you the host your sandbox resolves to. For example:
In case of VirtualBox: host
would be
Note: In case of Azure, your host can be found under Public IP Address on the dashboard. For further clarification, check out our guide for Deploying Hortonworks Sandbox on Azure.
If you are using a private cluster or a cloud to run sandbox. Please find the host your sandbox resolves to.
1.4 Connect to the Welcome Screen
Append the port number :8888 to your host address, open your browser, and access Sandbox Welcome page at http://_host_:8888/.
1.5 Multiple Ways to Execute Terminal Commands
Note: For all methods below, the login credential instructions will be the same to access the Sandbox through the terminal.
– Login using username as root and password as hadoop.
– After first time login, you will be prompted to retype your current password, then change your password.
Secure Shell (SSH) Method:
Open your terminal (mac and linux) or putty (windows). Type the following command to access the Sandbox through SSH:
# Usage:
ssh <username>@<hostname> -p <port>;
# Example:
ssh root@ -p 2222;
Mac OS Terminal
Shell Web Client Method:
Open your web browser. Type the following text into your browser to access the Sandbox through the shell:
# Usage:
# _host_:4200
Appearance of Web Shell
VM Terminal Method:
Open the Sandbox through Virtualbox or VMware. The Sandbox VM Welcome Screen will appear. For Linux/Windows users, press Alt+F5
and for Mac, press Fn+Alt+F5
to login into the Sandbox VM Terminal.
VirtualBox VM Terminal
Step 2: Explore Ambari
Navigate to Ambari welcome page using the url given on Sandbox welcome page.
Note: Both the username and password to login are maria_dev.
2.1 Use Terminal to Find the Host IP Sandbox Runs On
If you want to search for the host address your sandbox is running on, ssh into the sandbox terminal upon successful installation and follow subsequent steps:
- login using username as root and password as hadoop.
- Type
and look for inet addr: under eth0. - Use the inet addr, append :8080 and open it into a browser. It shall direct you to Ambari login page.
- This inet address is randomly generated for every session and therefore differs from session to session.
Services Provided By the Sandbox
Service | URL |
Sandbox Welcome Page | http://host:8888 |
Ambari Dashboard | http://host:8080 |
Ambari Welcome | http://host:8080/views/ADMIN_VIEW/ |
Hive User View | http://host/#/main/views/HIVE/1.0.0/AUTO_HIVE_INSTANCE |
Pig User View | http://host:8080/#/main/views/PIG/1.0.0/Pig |
File User View | http://host:8080/#/main/views/FILES/1.0.0/Files |
SSH Web Client | http://host:4200 |
Hadoop Configuration | http://host:50070/dfshealth.html http://host:50070/explorer.html |
The following Table Contains Login Credentials:
Service | User | 암호 |
Ambari | maria_dev | maria_dev |
Ambari | admin | refer to section 2.2 |
Linux OS | root | hadoop |
2.2 Setup Ambari admin Password Manually
- Start your sandbox and open a terminal (mac or linux) or putty (windows)
- SSH into the sandbox as root using
ssh root@ -p 2222
. For Azure and VMware users, your_host_
will be different. - Type the following commands:
# Updates password
# If Ambari doesn't restart automatically, restart ambari service
ambari-agent restart
Note: Now you can login to ambari as an admin user to perform operations, such as starting and stopping services.
2.3 Explore Ambari Welcome Screen 5 Key Capabilities
Enter the Ambari Welcome URL and then you should see a similar screen:
- “Operate Your Cluster” will take you to the Ambari Dashboard which is the primary UI for Hadoop Operators
- “Manage Users + Groups” allows you to add & remove Ambari users and groups
- “Clusters” allows you to grant permission to Ambari users and groups
- “Ambari User Views” list the set of Ambari Users views that are part of the cluster
- “Deploy Views” provides administration for adding and removing Ambari User Views
2.4 Explore Ambari Dashboard Links
Enter the Ambari Dashboard URL and you should see a similar screen:
Click on
- Metrics, Heatmap and Configuration
and then the
- Dashboard, Services, Hosts, Alerts, Admin and User Views icon (represented by 3×3 matrix ) to become familiar with the Ambari resources available to you.
Step 3: Troubleshoot Problems
Check Hortonworks Community Connection(HCC) for answers to problems you may come across during your hadoop journey.
3.1 Technique for Finding Answers in HCC
- Insert quotes around your tutorial related problem
- Be specific by including keywords (error, tutorial name, etc.)
Further Reading
- To learn more about Hadoop please explore the HDP Getting Started documentation.
- To get started with Hortonworks Data Platform, explore Hadoop Tutorial-Getting Started with HDP
- If you have questions, feedback or need help getting your environment ready visit developer.hortonworks.com.
- Please also explore the HDP documentation.
출처: http://ko.hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/learning-the-ropes-of-the-hortonworks-sandbox/
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