
조병희 2022. 10. 19. 17:20


Presto | Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data

Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data

Presto: Fast and reliable SQL query engine for data analytics and the open lakehouse

For data engineers who struggle with managing multiple query languages and interfaces to siloed databases and storage, Presto is the fast and reliable engine that provides one simple ANSI SQL interface for all your data analytics and your open lakehouse.

One Language

Different engines for different workloads means you will have to re-platform down the road.

With Presto, you get 1 familar ANSI SQL language and 1 engine for your data analytics so you don't need to graduate to another lakehouse engine. Presto can be used for interactive and batch workloads, small and large amounts of data, and scales from a few to thousands of users.

One Interface

Most data teams have different engines for different workloads on their data lake storage, and each engine has its own language and interface.

Presto gives you one simple ANSI SQL interface for all of your data in various siloed data systems, helping you join your data ecosystem together. Presto's connector architecture enables you to query data where it lives.

Fast, Reliable & Efficient

Data infrastructure costs can explode, especially with proprietary systeems like data warehouses, as the data size and users workloads grow.

Presto is battle-tested at Meta and Uber and can scale to meet growing data sizes and workloads. It's faster and more efficient than other engines because it's optimized for large numbers of small queries, so you can query data at better price-performance compared to proprietary systems.

비록 인기가 최근 몇년간 다소 꺾이긴 했으나 검색엔진이 포함될 경우 elasticsearch 가 내장되어 있는 것 처럼 일부 데이터 처리 솔루션에는 내장 DBMS 로 Presto가 많이 채택되는 듯하다.