Project Nessie

조병희 2022. 10. 20. 23:05

Project Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics

Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes

  • Git-inspired data version control
  • Cross-table transactions and visibility
  • Open data lake approach, supporting Hive, Spark, Dremio, AWS Athena, etc.
  • Works with Apache Iceberg and Delta Lake tables
  • Run as a docker image, AWS Lambda or fork it on GitHub

Get in touch via our Google Group and our Slack Channel and follow us on Twitter. Nessie source code, code contributions and bug reports are on GitHub.

About Nessie

Nessie is to Data Lakes what Git is to source code repositories. Therefore, Nessie uses many terms from both Git and data lakes.

This page explains how Nessie makes working with data in data lakes much easier without requiring much prior knowledge of either Git or data lakes.

Nessie is designed to give users an always-consistent view of their data across all involved data sets (tables). Changes to your data, for example from batch jobs, happen independently and are completely isolated. Users will not see any incomplete changes. Once all the changes are done, all the changes can be atomically and consistently applied and become visible to your users.

Nessie completely eliminates the hard and often manual work required to keep track of the individual data files. Nessie knows which data files are being used and which data files can safely be deleted.

Production, staging and development environments can use the same data lake without risking the consistent state of production data.

Nessie does not copy your data, instead it references the existing data, which works fine, because data files1 are immutable.

Nessie 101

Data Lake 101

“A data lake is a system or repository of data stored in its natural/raw format, usually object blobs or files.” (cite from Wikipedia)

Data is stored in immutable data files1. Each data file defines the schema of the data (i.e. names and types of the columns) and contains the data. A single, logical table (for example a customers or a bank_account_transactions table) consists of many data files.

A common (mis)understanding of Data Lakes is “throw everything in and see what happens”. This might work for some time, leaving data, especially large amounts of data, unorganized is a rather bad idea. A common best-practice is still to properly organize the (immutable) data files in directories that reflect both organizational (think: units/groups in your company) and structural (think: table schema) aspects.

New data files can be added to the set of files for a particular table. Data files can also contain updates to and deletions of existing data. For example: if you need to make changes to the data in data-file A, you basically have to read that data-file, apply the changes and write a new data-file A' with the changes, which makes data-file A irrelevant.

The amount of data held in data lakes is rather huge (GBs, TBs, PBs), and so is the number of tables and data files (100s of thousands, millions).

Managing that amount of data and data files while keeping track of schema changes, for example adding or removing a column, changing a column’s type, renaming a column in a table and views, is one of the things that Nessie tackles.

Data in a data lake is usually consumed and written using tools like Apache Hive2 or Apache Spark2. Your existing jobs can easily integrate Nessie without any production code changes, it’s a simple configuration change.

Git 101

“Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency” (cite from

Git maintains the history or all changes of a software project from the very first commit until the current state.

Git is used by humans, i.e. developers.

Many of the concepts of Git for source code are implemented by Nessie for all the data in your data lake. It would be rather confusing to explain all Git concepts here and then outline the differences in the next chapter. If you want to learn more about Git, we recommend looking this Git book (available in many languages) or the About Git pages as a quick start.

Terms summary

TermMeaning in Nessie
Commit An atomic change to a set of data files.
Hash Nessie-commits are identified by a commit id.3
(Multi-table) transaction Since a Nessie commit can group data data files from many tables, you can think of a Nessie commit as a (multi-table) transaction.
Branch Named reference to a commit. A new commit to a branch updates the branch to the new commit.
Tag Named reference to a commit. Not automatically changed.
Merge Combination of two commits. Usually applies the changes of one source-branch onto another target-branch.

Working with data in Nessie

Each individual state in Nessie is defined by a Nessie commit. Each commit in Nessie, except the very first one, has references to its predecessor, the previous versions of the data.

For those who know Git and merge-commits: One important difference of Nessie-merges is that Nessie-commits have only one parent (predecessor). Nessie-merge operations technically work a bit different: the changes in branch to be merged are replayed on top of the target branch.

Each Nessie commit also indirectly “knows” about the data files (via some metadata) in your data lake, which represent the state of all data in all tables.

The following example illustrates that our current commit adds a 3rd data file. The other two data files 1+2 have been added by previous commit.

 +-------------------+       +-------------------------+
 |  previous commit  | --<-- |     current commit      |
 +-------------------+       +-------------------------+
     |         |                 |        |        |
   (add)     (add)               |        |      (add)
     |         |                 |        |        |
  +------+  +------+          +------+ +------+ +------+
  | data |  | data |          | data | | data | | data |
  | file |  | file |          | file | | file | | file |
  | #1   |  | #2   |          | #1   | | #2   | | #3   |
  |     _|  |     _|          |     _| |     _| |     _|
  |  __/    |  __/            |  __/   |  __/   |  __/  
  |_/       |_/               |_/      |_/      |_/  

In “relational SQL” you can think of the following sequence of SQL statements:

  -- The data for data file #1
  INSERT INTO table_one (...) VALUES (...);
  -- The data for data file #2
  INSERT INTO other_table (...) VALUES (...);
-- creates our "previous commit"

  -- Data added to 'table_one' will "land" in a new data file #3, because
  -- data files are immutable.
  INSERT INTO table_one (...) VALUES (...);
-- Creates our "current commit"

Each commit is identified by a sequence of hexadecimal characters like 2898591840e992ec5a7d5c811c58c8b42a8e0d0914f86a37badbeedeadaffe3, which is not easy to read and remember for us humans.

Transaction in Nessie

The term “transaction” has different meanings to different people coming from different backgrounds. It is probably fair to say that, in general, a transaction is a group of changes applied to some data.

The term “transaction” alone does not define any guarantees. Different systems provide different guarantees, for example whether (or: when) changes performed in a transaction become visible to others, whether (parts of) the data gets locked, and so on.

Relational database systems (RDBMS) for example usually provide certain levels of isolation (think: others cannot see uncommitted changes) and also ensure that either a change within a transaction succeeds, the request times out or fails straight away. Relational databases have a single and central transaction-coordinator4 and are designed to always provide a consistent data set.

The smallest atomic change in Nessie is a single commit. It is fair to say, that a commit is the smallest possible transaction in Nessie.

A single Nessie commit in Nessie:

  • … can be “just” the set of changes of a single worker out of many distributed workers.
  • … can cover a quite small change or cover a huge amount of changes and/or huge amount of changed data or even group many Nessie commits into an atomic merge operation (think: a transaction over many transactions).

The major difference between “Nessie’s (distributed) transactions” and transactions in a relational database is that Nessie’s concept of having multiple commits plus the concept of merging one branch into another branch provides a lot of flexibility.


Nessie uses the concept of “branches” to always reference the latest version in a chain of commits. Our example branch is named “main” and has just a single commit:

 |  commit #1  |

When we add changes to our “main” branch, a new commit #2 will be created:

  • the new commit #2 will reference commit #1 as its predecessor and
  • the named reference “main” will be updated to point to our new commit #2
 +-------------+       +-------------+
 |  commit #1  | --<-- |  commit #2  |
 +-------------+       +-------------+

This behavior ensures that the named reference “main” always points to the very latest version of our data.

Working-branches for analytics jobs

The above example with a single branch works well, if all changes to all tables can be grouped into a single commit. In a distributed world, computational work is distributed across many machines running many processes. All these individual tasks generate commits, but only the “sum” of all commits from all the tasks represents a consistent state.

If all the tasks of a job would directly commit onto our “main” branch, the “main” branch would be inconsistent at least until not all tasks have finished. Further, if the whole job fails, it would be hard to roll back the changes, especially if other jobs are running. Last but not least, the “main” branch would contain a lot of commits (for example job#213, task#47346, add 1234 rows to table x), which do not make a lot of sense on their own, but a single commit (for example aggregate-financial-stuff 2020/12/24) would.

To get around that issue, jobs can create a new “work”-branch when they start. The results from all tasks of a job are recorded as individual commits into that “work”-branch. Once the job has finished, all changes are then merged into the “main” branch at once.

| commit #1 |

Our example Spark job has two tasks, each generates a separate commit, which are only visible on our “work”-branch:

          task#1         task#2   "work"
          result         result   branch
            |                |     |
            v                v     v
      +-----------+       +-----------+
      | commit #2 | --<-- | commit #3 |
      +-----------+       +-----------+
| commit #1 |

When the job has finished, you can merge the now consistent result back into the “main”-branch.

          task#1         task#2   "work"
          result         result   branch
            |                |     |
            v                v     v
      +-----------+       +-----------+
      | commit #2 | --<-- | commit #3 |
      +-----------+       +-----------+
         |                          |  
         v                          ^
         |                          |
+-----------+                     +-----------+
| commit #1 | --------<---------- | commit #4 |  
+-----------+                     +-----------+

Technically, Nessie replays commit #2 and commit #3 on top of the most-recent commit of the “main” branch.

For those who know Git and merge-commits: One important difference of Nessie-merges is that Nessie-commits have only one parent (predecessor). Nessie-merge operations technically work a bit different: the changes in branch to be merged are replayed on top of the target branch.

It is recommended to give a commit a meaningful commit message and to let someone review the changes.

As described above in Transactions in Nessie, the merge operation in the above example can be considered a Nessie distributed transaction.

Working branches for “humans”

You can also use “developer” branches to run experiments against your data, test changes of your jobs etc.

Production, staging and development environments can use the same data lake without risking the consistent state of production data.


Nessie can not yet squash commits.


Another type of named references are tags. Nessie tags are named references to specific commits. Tags do always point to the same commit and won’t be changed automatically.

This means, that tags are useful to reference specific commits, for example a tag named financial-data-of-FY2021 could reference all sources of financial data relevant used for some financial year report.

See Git tags for comparison and to learn how tagging works in Git.

Commit messages and more

As briefly mentioned above, every commit in Nessie has a set of attributes. Some of the more important ones are “summary” and “description”, which are exactly that - meaningful summaries and detailed descriptions that explain what has been changed and why it has been changed.

In addition to “summary” and “description”, there are a bunch of additional attributes as shown in the following table. We plan to add more structure to these attributes in the future.

AttributeMeaning in Nessie
commit timestamp The timestamp when the commit was recorded in Nessie.
committer The one (human user, system id) that actually recorded the change in Nessie.
author timestamp the timestamp when a change has been implemented (can be different from the commit timestamp).
author The one (human user, system id) that authored the change, can be different if someone else actually commits the change to Nessie.
summary A short, one-line meaningful summary of the changes.
description potentially long description of the changes.
There are potentially way more attributes, just too many to mention here.

Garbage collection

Data lakes contain a lot of data. The amount of data has a direct relation to the cost of ownership of a data lake. Keeping all data forever is probably going to be just too expensive, practically not useful and can also collide with data privacy regulations (for example GDPR or CCPA).

Nessie keeps track of unused data files and collects the garbage for you. See Table Management