전체 글373 Apache NiFi 둘러보기 Table of ContentsWhat is Apache NiFi?The core concepts of NiFiNiFi ArchitecturePerformance Expectations and Characteristics of NiFiHigh Level Overview of Key NiFi FeaturesReferencesWhat is Apache NiFi?Put simply NiFi was built to automate the flow of data between systems. While the term dataflow is used in a variety of contexts, we’ll use it here to mean the automated and managed flow of informa.. 2016. 3. 26. Apache NiFi 시작하기 Table of ContentsWho is This Guide For?Terminology Used in This GuideDownloading and Installing NiFiStarting NiFi For Windows UsersFor Linux/Mac OSX usersInstalling as a ServiceI Started NiFi. Now What? Adding a ProcessorConfiguring a ProcessorConnecting ProcessorsStarting and Stopping ProcessorsGetting More Info for a ProcessorOther ComponentsWhat Processors are Available Data TransformationRou.. 2016. 3. 26. Stream Processing: NiFi and Spark Without doubt, Apache Spark has become wildly popular for processing large quantities of data. One of the key features that Spark provides is the ability to process data in either a batch processing mode or a streaming mode with very little change to your code. Batch processing is typically performed by reading data from HDFS. There have been a few different articles posted about using Apache Ni.. 2016. 3. 26. Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons 소개 (번역기) 좋은 실시간 게임을 찾는 것은 점점 어려울 것이다. 그 이유 중 하나는 당신이 당신의 장치를 제어 할 수 있도록 유능한 및 간소화 된 인터페이스를 필요가 있기 때문에, 좋은 실시간 전략 게임을 만들기 위해 정말, 정말 어려운 것이 사실이다.전투는 턴 기반 방식으로 이루어 갖는 것은 개발자 오프 압력이 많이 걸립니다, 그리고 훨씬 더 관리가 평균 이하의 AI와 투박한 인터페이스를 만든다.개발자 낙타 1010 메크 & 용병 작업을 시작 때, : 검은 발톱, 그들은 이미 장르의 특이성에 대해 오르막 전투를 직면했다. 의이 뛰어 그들이 지냈다 얼마나 잘 보자.검사 범위환경이 게임은 우주 어딘가에서 일어난다. 당신은 공격을 받고 현재 은하의 섹션에서 좌초 용병 회사의 사령관의 역할을 재생할 수 있습니다.군국주의 .. 2016. 3. 25. Loading RCFile Format Data into Oracle Database Loading RCFile Format Data into Oracle DatabaseSetting the EnvironmentCreating a Hive Table Stored as RCFileRCFile StructureLoading Hive Table Data into Oracle DatabaseRCFile or Record Columnar File format is a flat file data placement structure consisting of binary key/value pairs. Record Columnar implies that columns of a table are stored in a record columnar format. For comparison, in a relat.. 2016. 3. 25. Bringing ORC Support into Apache Spark By Zhan Zhang on July 16th, 2015 In version 1.2.0, Apache Spark introduced a Data Source API (SPARK-3247) to enable deep platform integration with a larger number of data sources and sinks. We are proud to announce that support for the Apache Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file format is included in Spark 1.4 as a new data source. This support was added through a collaboration between Hortonworks .. 2016. 3. 25. A Lap Around Apache Spark on HDP If you have any errors in completing this tutorial. Please ask questions or notify us on Hortonworks Community Connection!IntroductionThis tutorial walks you through many of the newer features of Spark 1.6 on YARN.With YARN, Hadoop can now support many types of data and application workloads; Spark on YARN becomes yet another workload running against the same set of hardware resources.The tutori.. 2016. 3. 25. Learning the Ropes of the Hortonworks Sandbox IntroductionThis tutorial is aimed for users who do not have much experience in using the Sandbox. We will install and explore the Sandbox on virtual machine and cloud environments. We will also navigate the Ambari user interface. Let’s begin our Hadoop journey.Pre-RequisitesDownloaded and Installed Hortonworks SandboxOutlineWhat is the Sandbox?Step 1: Explore the Sandbox in a VM – 1.1 Install t.. 2016. 3. 25. CA ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition The ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition is a FREE, entry-level data modeling tool that is a subset of ERwin's flagship ERwin Data Modeler Standard Edition product. It is a great way for students and those new to modeling to get started with an industry-leading data modeling tool. 00:00 00:00 See how ERwin Modeling acts as an information hub to share the core data definitions, business rules, an.. 2016. 3. 25. Hands-on Tour of Apache Spark in 5 Minutes If you have any errors in completing this tutorial. Please ask questions or notify us on Hortonworks Community Connection!IntroductionApache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development APIs in Scala, Java, Python, and R that allow data workers to efficiently execute machine learning algorithms that require fast iterative access to datasets (see Spark.. 2016. 3. 25. Magellan: Geospatial Analytics on Spark By Ram Sriharsha on October 20th, 2015 Geospatial data is pervasive—in mobile devices, sensors, logs, and wearables. This data’s spatial context is an important variable in many predictive analytics applications. To benefit from spatial context in a predictive analytics application, we need to be able to parse geospatial datasets at scale, join them with target datasets that contain point in spa.. 2016. 3. 25. Apache Zeppelin on HDP 2.4 In November, 2015 we introduced Apache Zeppelin as a technical preview on HDP 2.3. Since then, we have made significant progress on integrating Zeppelin into HDP while working in the Apache community to add new features to Zeppelin.These features are now available in this Apache Zeppelin technical preview – the second Zeppelin technical preview. This technical preview works with HDP 2.4 and come.. 2016. 3. 25. 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 32 다음