IT150 Sweet Dreams Posted Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 at 5:00 am by Antonio Wells 4 Comments User Rating3.79/5 Sweet Dreams is a revolutionary tool that will finally allow you to go to sleep without worrying about changing your phone settings in order to avoid unwelcome late night calls. Just set your filters (location, movement or sound) and Sweet Dreams will do the job for you. Price: Free Android .. 2010. 10. 8. Android Developer Challenge 2 한글로 웹페이지를 제공하지 않아 좀 아쉬움이 남는군요. 몇개 봤는데 완성도가 상당하군요. 다음 번부터는 어플들을 하나씩 리뷰를 해볼까 합니다. ^-^; 전체 우승작 SweetDreams SweetDreams is a revolutionary tool that will finally allow you to go to sleep without worrying about changing your phone settings in order to avoid unwelcome late night calls. You can even use those inactivity periods to save battery power as well, .. 2010. 10. 8. 이전 1 ··· 35 36 37 38 다음